What to Expect and your First Visit

When you visit Elite Chiropractic we will welcome you and treat you like family. We will help you complete our new patient forms and get you seen very quickly so you’re not stuck waiting around.  We know that many new patients are not sure what to expect during their first appointment with a chiropractor. 

Your First Visit – The Details

1)  At Elite Chiropractic we want to make sure that you have an enjoyable experience every time you come to see us. That’s why we begin by getting to know you and your unique situation. 

2) Next, we’ll perform a thorough examination which may require X-rays and other tests to pinpoint your condition.  This allows us to make an accurate diagnosis, which helps us provide better, more personalized care. 

3) Finally, through a process of shared decision making, you and your doctor will determine what services and treatment plans are right for you. Based on the extent and severity of your condition, we may recommend exercises, lifestyle modifications, exercise and nutritional counseling.


New Patient Health History Form – Required

Elite Chiropractic offers our patient forms online so they can be completed it in the convenience of your own home. Download the necessary forms, print it out and fill in the required information, then either fax us your printed and completed forms or bring them to your appointment.

This lets us know the history and current state of your health. What questions, concerns, goals, regarding wellness can we help you with? Let us know!

 Download PDF

Payment Options

Most insurance plans are accepted at our office. These include Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Health Care, Cigna, Healthspring, and Medicare to name a few. We also accept auto accident, workers compensation and personal injury. If you have questions about your insurance please call our office.

No Insurance
For patients who have little or no chiropractic insurance coverage, flexible payment programs can be arranged. If you have no insurance or do not have chiropractic benefits there is still a way for you to receive the care you need. Many patients pay directly for care, as they discover chiropractic to be extremely cost-effective and affordable.

Phase 1: Relief Care

When you come to our office, our first objective is to help you feel better. The wellness programs offered at Elite Chiropractic combines a unique approach of chiropractic services and physical rehabilitation to bring you the most powerful all natural treatments available.

Often times patients come to our office in pain and receive immediate pain relief after their adjustment. However, pain is not always an indicator of health. Pain and other symptoms often only appear after a disease or other condition have become advanced. 

Relief care provides immediate relief from symptoms, but can also help prevent pain before it starts. Think of it as a regular oil change for your body to keep you pain-free and healthy.

Phase 2: Corrective Care

Corrective care is usually prescribed when the cause of patient symptoms roots from misalignments in the body. This level of care can help to permanently improve pain, weakness, mobility, and the risk of re-injury. 

Even though the symptoms of your injury may be long gone corrective care must continue for maximal recovery. Typically patients require between 4-8 visits per month for 6 to 24 months, depending on the severity of your issue.

At this point in your treatment, you may also be given exercises and stretches to do at home as part of your daily routine. This will accelerate the healing process and help you build habits that will help prevent re-injury.

Phase 3: Wellness Care

Routine chiropractic care, also known as wellness care helps ensure that your pain and problems do not return. It will also help to strengthen your body and keep your spine in optimal condition. 

When you choose to make routine chiropractic care a part of your lifestyle, you will notice fewer aches and pains, your joints will last longer, and you will be able to continue enjoying an active lifestyle.

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